
At St. Patrick’s we have a vibrant range of ministries that serve the needs of our community and parish as a reflection of Jesus Christ’s love for us.  If you have time or talent to share, please join us!

Liturgy Related Ministries

Our celebrations of the Holy Mass would be incomplete without the help of the laity.  Altar Servers, Lectors (Proclaimers of the Word), and Extraordinary (Eucharistic) Ministers play a vital role during the mass itself, as do our Sacristans, Greeters, and Ushers.  Our Altar Decoration Group and Church Cleaning Crew meet regularly to ensure that our Church reflects God’s glory.

Irish Cultural Committee

The Irish Cultural Committee at Saint Patrick Parish has a twofold purpose; to put us in touch one again with our Irish heritage, and secondly to raise funds to preserve and protect Saint Patrick Church of Lowell, a significant National Historic Resource in the history of Irish immigration in America.

Music Ministries

Related to our Liturgical Ministries, we have various Choirs that rehearse regularly.  These include English, Spanish, and Vietnamese Choirs, as well as a Spanish Children’s Choir.

Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality

Sodality holds rosary groups and seeks to develop knowledge and relationships with the Blessed Virgin Mary.  They also help to raise funds for church.

Neocatechumenal Way

Garden and Grounds Group

This group works on exterior beautification of our grounds, including care of our flower beds and statues.

Neocatechumenal Way

The Neocatechumenal Way Communities are a fruit of the Second Vatican Council, transforming the lives of many of our youth for Jesus throughout the world.